Well, after 38 weeks and 6 days we finally have our newest addition to our family.
Marc David William Baird! He is here and he is beautiful.
My Birth Story,
August 15th at 4:30am, I woke up to some "cramping" I soon realized that it wasn't just cramping after about half an hour of them coming every 10-minutes. They slowly got stronger and somewhat closer together. By 5:15 they'd reached every 5 minutes apart. Since I was going to be laboring in Abbotsford we decided to call the family. Since David (Michael's Dad) was going to watch Arianna, we woke him up bright and early, and since my mom was going to be with us, we too woke her up.
At about 6 am, we started our journey out to Abbotsford. The contractions were not any closer together - still 5 minutes apart but I was definitely starting to remember what this felt like last time.
By the time we arrived at the hospital I was 3 cm dilated - I absolutely DID NOT want to be sent home, and lucky enough for me, I wasn't. I was admitted right away and sent to my own private (HUGE) room. I enjoyed a nice shower, which was helping with the pain - and by 9:00 I was still 3 - 3.5 cms, I was none to impressed about this.So, my wonderful doctor came in and broke my water. HELLO! After another shower I was in full blown labour - nothing was making me happy.
By 10:30 there was no breaks - I couldn't talk (unless the gas made me think I was cher and I busted out a tune) but really was in to much pain to talk. The contractions were SO intense, far worse than I found being in labour for 12 hours with Arianna - and I wasn't even induced this time. They were SO strong, and I felt so much pressure like I constantly needed to push. By 11:30, little Marc's heart rate was decreasing - in which they had to put an internal heart monitor on him to keep an eye on things - the monitor didn't last long - as little rolly polly Marc was not co-operating. Not only was his heart rate decreasing but his body hadn't settled into a "pushing" position and kept moving the whole time all the while being face up.
As he was turning himself around and after 1.5 pushes he was out, and quickly taken from me as his heart rate dropped to approx. 70bpm. I was panic stricken and so freaked out and was constantly asking if he was ok - in which the nurse wouldn't answer me. After about 10 minutes they finally brought my handsome little guy to Michael and myself, and was a happy crying little boy! He was perfect, weighing 7 pounds 7 oz, and 20.5 inches long, with lots of dark hair.
By 6:30 that evening Arianna and Daddy came to visit, and being a little hesitant at first Arianna warmed right up. She didn't even look at my belly thinking he was still in there, he knew where her new baby brother Marc was, and instantly wanted to hold him.
Love at first sight - such a great big sister.
That's it for now, as I should go "pump" to feed my 10 day old little man.
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