I have recently become more agitated, stressed, and uncomfortable. I know this is all apart of being pregnant, but sometimes it's too much stress for a person to handle. I have my days of UPS and DOWNS, somedays I feel like I'm the only mother who has felt this way, who's raised her a voice a little too loud, cried a little too much, and snapped at people for no reason. Please tell me this is not true, this is also you???
I'm growing day by day, and feeling more and more like a big house, but with that I am also feeling the wonderful little kicks/pushes and jabs of our little boy. He's quite the active guy - moving more early in the morning and around 8 at night! His kicks and movement are so much different from what I remember with Arianna. Her's were enjoyable, and fun with little pressure, this little guy loves to make himself known, and in all the wrong places, but either way it's totally fun, except when I'm grocery shopping by myself and let out a OUCH, and people think I'm nuts!
At my pre-natal appointment 4 weeks ago, I was told that I was having a large baby, and to expect him to be around 9-10 pounds, but at my appointment this week, I measured 34 weeks (only a week ahead) and was told he felt completely normal/average - so here's hoping he's not humongous, and this second doc is right!
I've now put on a total of 15 pounds, which feels like a lot for me, and may not be a lot to anyone else, but I still have 7 weeks, and feel as if there is no room for him to grow, in fact I know there is no room, he'd be FAR to uncomfortable!
The below pics are from a Wedding at 31 Weeks - and at home at 32 weeks!

Arianna -
She's doing great! She is truly a joy to have in our lives.
She has become quite the stinker though, and LOVES to push our buttons. She's become less and less involved in sleep. Although she sleeps through the night, getting her to that point is quite the task. We have a routine that we do everynight, which involves dinner, bath, brush teeth, and reading 3 books, then off to her room for bed, or screaming whichever she decides she feels like doing - which is most often screaming.
I'm not too sure why she is doing this, as we both know (including Arianna) how tired she is but she just hates to give in. She'll stand at the door and SCREAM, and SCREAM and SCREAM some more, she will do this for almost 2 hours, non stop - and then will FINALLY fall asleep. ON THE FLOOR! She'll either be at the foot of her bed with her bear as a pillow and housecoat as a blanket, or will be in the middle of the room - same position, in her chair or as recently as yesterday buckled into her wagon completely passed out on bear. Although it's CUTE, it's frustrating at the same time.
I'm thinking of maybe putting her mattress back on the floor - and eliminating the bed for the time being - but that for now is just a thought!
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining - because (well I am) but there is so much more great stuff that she is doing.
She amazes us with her memory! She is "reading" us her book called Alaska 123, and it is amazingly cute! She will sit and draw in her coloring book for 45 minutes at a time, and will "occasionally" and most often remember certain colors, or correspond her colors with different things.
EX, If we ask her what color Elmo is, she will say Elmo Red, or Grover Blue, or Big Bird Yellow, or will point out a color if we ask what it is, this is exciting for us, and makes us so proud. She LOVES her family - and will make it known to everyone.
Although, she's quite hesitant, even around people she sees all the time, and takes time to open up, once out of her cage she's a chatterbox, FULL of personality!

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