Well it's been just over 4 months with our little guy, and boy has it gone fast, It's true; when you have children time sure does fly. I often catch myself saying things like, oh when he's this age, or when she's in school, I realize STOP IT, it goes by fast enough and since this is our last child I need to cherish this stage with both my babes!
Things are going great, and I couldn't be a happier, prouder Mama. Those two light up my life, they are truly the most believable blessings! At 2 weeks old Marc developed Thrush, therefore completely stopped breast feeding, and would not nurse. This frustrated me and I tried my best to continue, but along with the first few weeks of it being hard, I also had to deal with the Thrush, which was just to hard for me, so we switched him to formula :(. By 3 weeks he became Colic, and was quite the handful. He was very very cranky and hard to console. We tried everything, Gripe Water, Oval, Bouncing around, singing, shhhing, and rocking, but he just needed to cry it out.
At 17 almost 18 weeks old, he's still a pretty fussy guy, but has changed IMMENSELY, and gives big smiles which just light up the room. I feel like he is now a pretty happy baby (AT HOME) he does not like his car seat/car; therefore we are home a lot more often than I was at home - which is ok with me, because Arianna and I get lots of crafts done, and Marc is much happier.
He is growing like a chubby little weed, weighing in at 13.5 pounds and around 23.5 inches long! He's such a joy!
Arianna is doing great. She truly is my little beauty. She is coming out of her shell (slowly but surely) and starting to play with her friends, and not being attached at Mommy's hip. Although she usually has to come out and make sure I'm still there, she'll head back to what she was doing. Her words are getting MUCH clearer, and other people are now able to understand what she is saying - and not just Mommy and Daddy.
She says some pretty funny things, and has quite the attitude. If she wants something and doesn't get it, she will have a (Toddler Sara) sized tantrum. She will run in her room, throw herself on the floor and roll around (while stopping, looking up to see if I'm still there - all while not crying) and then in that split second while she see's I'm still there, goes right back into that tantrum. This can happen for 10-15 minutes until she calms herself down. I've come to the point that when she's that worked up, it's too hard to try to work things out. I wait until she is done, and sit down with her, and explain why she couldn't have what she wanted, and ask for an apology and big hugs and kisses. Then my little raccoon eyed sweetheart will come out, and usually be in a better mood.
For instance, the other night we had Shepherds Pie for dinner, and she was doing great, and eating everything, until I MIXED HER KETCHUP IN WITH THE PIE! Well, you don't do that, she then proceeded to throw the whole plate on the ground and throw a huge fit. Really, all because I mixed the ketchup :)
AND, its the hardest thing to be mad/serious because Michael and I are usually trying to contain our laughter or stomachs from exploding because it's just so funny - which sounds so mean, but if you have a toddler this must be something that happens with you as well. (They do too many funny things, and when there so mad, and so cute at the same time, it's just too funny) BUT, don't let them see you laugh cause then, OH BOY it's over!
Michael and I are both adapting pretty well now, and seem to be finding the right ways to understand what Marc wants, and I'm feeling much more confident during the day and getting things done with both kiddies!
That's all for now!
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