I know, this took me a lot longer than most, but Arianna is now officially off the bottle and on to her "big girl cup." We are very proud, and I am SO excited that she no longer needs them. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and she's very good with the new cup. She'll drink from a cup with a straw for dinner, and her sippy cup throughout the day.
Now our task is onto the Big Girl Bed. I found her the other day trying to climb out of her crib, so I'm thinking it's about time to do the big switch, we just need her to last in the crib till her second birthday. We are saving for the bed, and have family that will pitch in for a birthday present for a new bedroom set. So no worrying until that day.
I'm 15 weeks and 1 day. Things seem to be going smoothly now. (Always knock on wood) I'm still taking diclectin - but only twice a day at bedtime, cause if I don't I still get upset. :( But, other than that I'm feeling fabulous. I'm starting to show now, although I'm sure if you didn't know me and saw me walking down the street, you'd wonder, "Is she one of those people that just let it hang out and doesn't care, or is she pregnant? I'm in that stage, argh. It will be nice once It's more of a baby belly.
Things are definitely different this time around. My sizing, is around the same, but my eating habits are crazy. Everything I like normally I HATE now. And it's awful because I crave it, and then eat it and get sick. I should stop doing that :)
I've gained 1 pound, and will find out if I've put on anymore, on the 12th at my next appointment.
I'm excited for my appointment because "hopefully" I will be able to hear my baby's heartbeat, as I'll almost be 17 weeks. I can feel him/her moving around a lot, but still nothing like a kick or feeling with our hands. We just have to wait.
I have my first Ultrasound on the 27th, and of course we're excited about that. I can't wait to see the little guy moving around.
We will definitely be finding out the sex, as I'm FAR to impatient and will let everyone know when that time comes.
Anyway, I should get to cleaning ( I probably do that FAR to often as well) but it needs to be done, it's never clean enough.
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