Nice Headline right?
Well, we finally had our visit and Children's Hospital, and what a great visit and sigh of relief it was to go. We took the trip in on Thursday, had her weighed and her height checked before the visit. She is 34 inches tall and 23 pounds. We found at the visit that she is a healthy girl, and this problem with the constipation is fairly normal. Some kids get it and some kids don't. It definitely could get worse, so we have to be on top of giving her a powder called Peg everyday until this stage passes, or until she is no longer in pain or "holding." This will probably last until pre-school, and could be longer, but that is fine as long as we know that it will eventually pass, and she will no long be in any pain while going to the bathroom :) YAY!
We also went through a rough patch this weekend. Arianna had quite the fever, and we found ourselves in and out of Emergency and the Clinic. It started on Thursday, when she had become very lethargic, and quite warm. As the day went on, her temperature kept rising, and the Tylenol would not bring it down. By 9:30 that evening, her temperature had reached a whopping, 40.5 at which time I decided that I should take her to Emergency, because after about an hour after giving her Tylenol the fever had not dropped. We waited in Emergency for approx. 5 hours. They gave her ibuprofen while we waited in Emergency, which brought her temperature down, so by the time we saw the doctor at 2:30 she was passed out, and woken up by doc. They did all the routine things, and were sent home to continue with the meds, and giving her cold/cool baths. We went to bed that night (and by that I mean Arianna hogged our bed and slept till about 7:30) Anyway, the weekend went by with baths, meds and comforting. We did everything we could to break the fever, and found that our hearts broke watching our little girl feel SO awful. She seems to be happy again, and her fever seems to have broken (knock on wood) It apparently is quite the nasty virus that is going around, and the doctor at the clinic says that everyone coming in seems to have the same thing, and actually had a child with a fever of 40.8 just a bit higher than Arianna, she said it's very rare for kids to come in that high, and hopes herself that this virus stops soon!
I also realized that I am very panicky, and need to start being a little more calm. I thank god that Michael is as calm as he is, it really helps to make you feel better when the other person your around is calm and reacts in all the right ways. :)
Also, This Valentines Day I went to Las Vegas. We had a great time. When we first arrived to the hotel, we were bumped up to a suite as they did not have any of the rooms we originally booked, which was great. We had nice dinners, and saw a great show - Chris Angel (Cirque Du Solei) Chris Angel's show was FAB. I loved it, we sat right up front (10th Row) and saw some pretty amazing things. It really was mind blowing, he really puts on a great show, plus since it was Cirque, it had some amazing dances/ers.
I also, decided to get dressed up for the show and decided to wear my "Lady Heels." And I must tell you, I did it! Yes there was some whining, and some VERY sore duck feet at the end of it. I had to take my shoes off, by the time we reached our hotel as I just couldn't make it to the room. So, from now on I will just stick to "flat" shoes - at least while I'm pregnant.
My duck feet just can't handle it.
Also, we went for a walk through the Forum Shops in Caesars Palace - and passed PURE. A club that I've always been fascinated with as that's where all the celebrities go ( I know lame, but yes I'm one of those girls who loves to hear about Celebrity Gossip) And we saw this night that (now you'll only know who these two GOONES are if you watch The Hills) but Heidi Montag, and Spencer Pratt, were hosting a Valentines Party that night. Well I was DEAD set on being there that night to at least get a picture so I could "brag" but unfortunately the two are pretty stealth and I didn't see them the whole trip :( I even checked out Jimmy Choo, cause what rich "celebs" don't shop there. Apparently not them that day.
Anyway, as we continued our Journey through the mall, we found Pete Rose signing Autographs. (For those of you who don't know who this is, and I was one of them) he is the all time leading hitter for the MLB, and was pretty amazing. Anywho, I decided for a Valentines Gift for Michael, I would buy him a baseball, and have it signed. With the signing, Michael also got a picture with the leading hitter, which was pretty exciting ( I got in the second one as well, but doesn't mean much to me as I don't really follow baseball) but it was still pretty fun!
Anywho, that's about it for now, I should start cleaning while Pumpkin Pants is sleeping.
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