Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Little Temper Queen

First off I have no idea where she got this from!!!! :)
Our little daughter, our princess, are oh so loving little girl has turned into having quite the temper tantrums, she's making sure her voice is heard from miles away and to attract all the attention to her while she bangs her head on everything in site. I try not to make a big deal out of it, as she thinks it's funny when I do that, and continues on, so I try to gently tell her no and move her away from the area, because I don't want her to hurt herself, and if she continues I put her on the floor/carpet as it has more padding then a table,door,window or Sandi cast Dog my parents have in their home - ya ouch! I'm desperately hoping this is just a faze and it will soon pass, as it makes myself and my family cringe every time it happens. Not only is she banging her head, she is also ramming her finger down her throat every chance she gets; and again we try to stay calm but this is essentially worse as she almost throws up every time she does it, so the no becomes a little more stern. She still thinks it's hilarious!
I really don't want to get her a foam piece for her head - as she'll probably look like one of the dogs with a cone around it's head so they don't bite themselves. Eeek *my attempt at a joke* And really I don't think they make anything for head banging babies.

As of October Michael, Arianna,myself and Grandma Baird will be heading to Medicine Hat, Ab. to visit family for Thanksgiving. Again this will be a road trip, but it many ways will probably harder as the last time we went Arianna was 6 months old! Sure it was difficult with the bottles, but this time we have to deal with a Toddler who HATES being in the car, and screams and screams and screams for 12 hours! I'm hoping that if I sit in the back with her she'll be calm, but who knows! Wish us luck!
Anyways, I'm going to post a few video's of our growing girl, for the family to see how she's doing!

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