Friday, August 29, 2008


Terrible twos - HA, that's like morning sickness (it's not just in the morning it's all day) and the same thing with the twos; they don't start at two, they've STARTED! Oh child, every bit of patience I have has been tested this past week. I think I've done pretty well to I might add. Firstly, Arianna (my sweet,sweet Arianna)has developed selective hearing, she absolutely does not here the word NO!
I now appreciate that she didn't start walking until 15 months, I can't hold her back anymore, she's all over the place, I can't even cuddle 2 minutes without her squirming trying to get away. (unless it's bedtime)
We had her weighed at the Clinic the other day and she's at 21 pounds - with clothes and shoes, so she's quite small, but she's very healthy and happy.
She is still a very very picky eater, and will only eat certain things. I try to give her everything, fruits,veggies, and all of the others, although it goes in her mouth it comes out withing 1 minute. It's a little frustrating, but I know her appetite will have to pick up someday! :S
We finally have an appointment at the specialists(Children's Hospital) for her constipation and it's only 5 months away, LOL. It's in Feb, but that's ok at least she has the appointment. She has started pooping on the potty as well, if she has to go she will let us know, and usually it's quite obvious so we can tell. We are by no means potty training her yet, we just find it's easier for her constipation to do it this way.

In other news,
My sister, after years of struggling with all the horrible that has happened with no way to cope has finally agreed to goto rehab. She's in a BEAUTIFUL facility for 6 weeks, and I am so so so thankful she is there. She will now hopefully start to cope with all the horrible that has happened and realize the wonderful person/mother she is. I'm so thankful to my family who helped her get there!

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